According to the 2015 Government Services Report, average annual cost of incarceration for an adult in Australia, is $111.325. Nationally, it costs approximately $219,000 to incarcerate a youth annually. The costs of incarceration in Australia vary from to institution and depend on several factors. These include the location of the prison, the number of prisoners, the programs offered and the security level of the prison. Usually the more secure a prison is designed to be, the more expensive it is. For example, the initial cost of bed in a maximum security prison is more than $98,000 whereas the initial cost of a …show more content…
What is ‘prisonization?’ Do all inmates ‘complete the process of prisonization?’ (4 marks)
Prisonzation refers to socialization that occurs in prison to draw the offender away from the values and norms of the community into an antisocial mindset. Not all inmates ‘complete the process of prisonization. A number of factors influence the degree to which an inmate is prisonized, they include age, education background and the nature of the offence committed.
6. How does a parent’s incarceration usually affect the child/young person? (4 marks)
A parent’s incarceration can have a significant impact on the child/young person’s family and home environment. The child/young person may become socially isolated and experience emotional difficulties. They may be burdened with carrying the secret of their parent/s incarceration, their home life may become disrupted and they may have to adjust to new living arrangements while their parent/s are incarcerated. They may also struggle with the social perception of having a loved one incarcerated. At school and within the community, they may have to deal with the reactions of their peers and teachers. The young person of a parent/caregiver incarcerated have to adjust to a new system (the correctional system) which presents a new set of rules and a new environment. It can also have a significant impact on the young person internally – the young person’s inner world. A parent/s incarceration may cause behavioural and emotional difficulties …show more content…
8. Please explain the Risk-Need-Responsivity Model! (4 marks)
The ‘risk-need responsivity’ model advocates for the use of standardised assessment risk assessment validated on a correctional population to determine the risk of re-offending. High intensity programs should be for high risk offenders and minimal services provided to low risk offenders. The needs refer to the identification of changeable criminogenic factors that directly contribute to, or are supportive of offending. It is based on the idea that programs should focus on the following needs, Challenging anti-social attitudes and cognitions
Reducing anti-social peer associations
Providing identification with pro-social role models
Reducing substance abuse
Helping offenders to identify risky situations and have a plan to deal with