According to the Keeping the Republic text book, the founders did not pass the Amendment for concerns of our freedom. On Page 140 of the textbook, it shows a break down of what they exactly had in mind. It shows that the government created the Bill of Rights political documents more of fear …show more content…
The Right to Bear Arms should always be our right and should never be taken away from us, it is our last resort of protection for ourselves and family. The second Amendments says, “A Well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, is not really what it is because of the Bill of Rights. We don’t really have the right to bear arms, without background checks or registration. According to the Keeping the Republic textbook, what they really mean is “You can own a gun, just in case the government should find itself in the need of well-trained militia.” Also that we can’t just shoot at random, either. Murder and mayhem are still against the law, which of course I agree with and understandable. I also agree with what Thomas Jefferson says, “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government”, according to The Know Your Bill of Rights Book . But if you really look at the Second Amendment it doesn’t really protect us from waging war against the government no matter the reason, because it is an act of treason. Basically if we really look into our rights to bear arms, it’s only to protect the government, it doesn’t really make it clear of our right to protect ourselves, which The Know Your Bill Rights Book made clear. As every states fight for the rights, the statement they wanted to change, but each and everytime it went back to our right as free men to be armed to protect the government/State. Up and until now the second amendment is still not there for our protection to bear arms to protect ourselves and our family. Until this day, the government is till working hard of changing the Second Amendment as they see fit for themselves and not our protection. In todays news we still see that everytime there