Importance Of Maintenance Of Equipment

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Procedure: Why it is important: What equipment it is likely to relate to (examples):
Knowledge of equipment Knowledge of the equipment in which is in the laboratory is very important, as the equipment in which needs any maintenance is then kept maintained. It is also important so you know the places in which equipment needs to go in and you know where to look for specific things. - Where the glassware is situated as it should all be grouped together to decrease chances of breakages or equipment becoming damaged.
Maintenance of equipment Maintenance of equipment is important due to the fact of all equipment must be checked and logged as to when and if it needs to be fixed. Then it will need to be by the professionals/specialists and this must
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In most science workplaces they have a hierarchy to ensure that all scientists and lab technicians work well as a team.
Between technical personnel:
Advantages Disadvantages
- Technical personnel ensure that the equipment is calibrated correctly and that if it isn’t if they can’t fix it themselves they will therefore bring a specialist in to fix the problem and log it in the log book.
- Technical personnel ensure that equipment is safe to be used by scientists and if it isn’t they will either book to have it looked at or they will dispose of it in the correct manner.
- They ensure that chemicals produced or hazardous chemicals are disposed of in the correct manner.
- Ensuring that all equipment is washed in the correct manor and kept clean. - The pay for a lab technician within the UK is lower than the average UK pay per
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They must also be informed of what to do if they break glass or create a product in which cannot be disposed of down the sink. This is the responsibility of the adult within the room if other students are in the room we they must ensure that students are informed of these procedures so they therefore follow them in the correct way which is stated. If the procedures and practices are not clearly presented or followed this is therefore the fault of everyone as everyone will have been informed of all procedures and failure to follow these could lead to a potential

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