Human Trafficking Thesis

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Emphasis on Human Trafficking in the US
Human trafficking is often the term used when talking about modern day slavery, the third largest global criminal enterprise (Tully,1). Around the word there are over 20 million people being trafficked, with the average age being 13. Slavery was made illegal during the civil war era, when the emancipation proclamation was signed in 1863, and America has been working it’s way to a better future by putting this time in the past. The fact is, although slavery was made illegal, it’s practice was still continued and eventually evolved into the modern sense it has become today. Collectively, countries have put laws in place to try and stop the trafficking epidemic from becoming more of a problem, but there
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The United States isn’t exempt from Human Trafficking, but seeing that it is a stable first world country, with the laws in place, and a conscious effort made by the people, the problem should decline rather than increase as it is. Defined by the United Nations, human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons by means of deception, the abuse of power or position of authority for the purpose of exploitation, in the forms of exploitation, forced labor or similar practices of slavery (UN General Assembly, 2). Often Women are sought out for sexual exploitation, and men used for forced labor. By the definition, a person with any intent of trafficking, is still committing the act of Human Trafficking. Once defined Human trafficking is then broken down into 3 different elements, The Act, The Means, and The Purpose. The Act referring to the physical aspect of the recruitment or transfer of people. The Means refers to how it is done, by what means was the harbouring and/ or transfer. The Purpose defines why it is done, for what purpose of exploitation, sexual, forced labor …show more content…
Women and children are usually transferred to Arab states to be used as domestic workers and exploited. These states have each made immense effort to try and decrease the Human Trafficking field party going on within their countries. Countries such as Egypt not only made laws criminalizing those within Egypt, but also those who take Egyptian citizens across the border by means of exploitation. (Mattar, 101) Some sources want to claim that human trafficking, although a problem is not a US priority, considering it is much worse in other countries. Arguably, it is an increasing issue, that many other countries are getting a better handle on (Tully, 1). Many American citizens don’t know how the United States is becoming a hot target due to public being so oblivious to the

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