There were many concepts and ideas in this book that I was able to appreciate from but three stand out; heart, story and journey. The heart is voice to …show more content…
After I started dating Rick, I thought I had found the person I was supposed to marry. He was smart, witty, and loved seeking out new adventures. In the start of our relationship was fast paced, within three months he had started looking at rings. I was eager to spend the rest of my life with him. Then slowly he began to set rules for me, that he promised the rules improved our relationship. The rules at first seemed normal, “like please do not text other guys”, then progressively the rules became overbearing. He became upset with the clothing I would wear to work and the costumers who would sit at my tables at work. One night I was at work and he called me at least a dozen times and sent me over thirty text in the span of twenty minutes. He told that we need to spend more time together, and if I was actually serious about our relationship I would have to show some commitment. He insisted it was for the best if I moved in with him and quit my job. Later that night, I called him to tell him it was over. He verbally exploded. He told me that no one else could ever love me that I was worthless without him. I was terrified I had made the wrong decision. His façade fade and the person beneath was displayed. This experience has altered how I view dating relationships. I do not enjoy dates or meeting new people anymore, because I do not want to be close to people. This …show more content…
Humans have an entirely different relationship with the creator. People are designed to live their life in love with God. I as I read this book I struggled with the expression of emotion. As the authors wrote about a wild love with God, my reaction was to take a step back. I struggled with the concept of romance as I read the book. A wild romance with God does not come with a life jacket. There are not promises of safety with God, only of goodness. I know it would be simpler to be a stiff collared church goer, than a wild hearted Christian passionately in love with God. In human relationships the word love can be used as tool for leverage, but in a heavenly romance love is a verb. After I read this assignment I took away two benefits. The first is that the arrows in my life are not from God. The arrows and pain in my life only assist the enemy. When I do not address arrows in my life the wounds fester and become more painful. The second and most important benefit is humans are created to be pursued by God. True christianity is not phone call once a week, but constant contact with the creator of the universe. In conclusion, this book has challenged me to reflect on my own struggles; moreover, my understanding on what being a Christian entails have shifted from a checklist to love