For instance, if the immigrant has committed a felony in the past they should definitely not be able to become a citizen. However, immigrants that have families to support should gain the opportunity, as well as those individuals that have children whom were born in the United States. Families should not be separated, especially if they have settled in and are making efforts in life. Like President Barack Obama said, “Felons, not families. Criminals, not children. Gang members, not a mom who’s working hard to provide for her kids”. We as Americans should understand and help aid them the chance to show the nation that they can make a positive difference. Citizens should not be hypocrites about these circumstances and send immigrants back to their country when we ourselves are a country that started off with immigrants. “Looking for a better life for themselves and their families, most immigrants have seen America as a promised land”. Let us not take away the opportunities we are known to provide for a better future. Yes, they crossed here illegally, but if it was not so hard for them to be able to come legally then obviously these immigrants would make right decision to come legally. It generally comes down to dollars and cents, if you have the …show more content…
In reality these immigrants do jobs others would not do, and they do it for little pay. In one of President Carter’s speeches he states, “…the hiring of undocumented aliens at sub-minimum wages, thereby often displacing workers”. Carter knows that most immigrants use this underpay to provide for their families, one of his concerns was there not being enough jobs. I am sure of there being enough jobs, especially when all these immigrants want to do is provide for their family. They would be willing to strive and do absolutely anything to make their family’s life better and give them everything they possibly could. Many Americans don’t have the similar mindsets, which causes some undocumented individuals to level up to their positions. However, that is not their fault that certain Americans have not made the efforts or been motivated to reach success as much as illegals have