He claims that it is almost as old as formal and informal language (37). It is common knowledge that Shakespeare invented words within his plays, slang. Words of Shakespeare’s invention have carried forward into the present such as the word cliche. This provides validity to slang as we can see how slang can become a fixture within formal and informal language through the passage of time. This is not the case for all slang however. Shakespeare was not alone in the creation of new words as Chaucer also did so within his writing. The word doggerel was used within Chaucer’s fiction and it is presumed to be slang. Chaucer is assumed to be the first person to use the word. Doggerel is intended to demean another by comparing intelligence or price to that of a dog (Eric Partridge, 44). Doggerel no longer has a place within modern english which suggest that slang is less temporary than that or informal or formal language. Oxford dictionary has now begun to accommodate slang by allowing words such as ‘twerk’ to be defined within it, it can be found upon their official website or within the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford has taken the popularity of these words to mean they are becoming a part of informal language. It appears there is no barrier in who can use these kinds of words. This suggests words can be invented and slang is simply a process in which words are assimilated into language. The popularity or lack of …show more content…
There are subcultural affiliations of slang (Mary Bucholtz, 289). For example a viral video, like ‘bye felicia’ can turn into slang, but the slang will is restricted within a community of people who are exposed to this viral video. This example could also be seen as an appropriation of african american slang as it derives from the film ‘Friday’ in 1995 which uses images of black culture. The internet has resulted in an easy source to appropriate other cultures into a western society as the beauty of a culture can be absorbed without any knowledge of the meaning behind the custom. This is from not only language but also things like traditional dress. Slang has the ability to unify those with commonalities as well as divide those with varied beliefs. Another example of of an interaction with slang is a teacher warning their student against the use of slang. This help to affirm his allegiance to social order (G. F. Drake, 64). It appears that slang helps kids to define themselves as they push against the norms of a society, including through language. Academics, if they are abiding by social order, it suggests that certain language comes with certain places within