How Free Were Free African Americans In The North

Decent Essays
How Free Were Free Blacks in the North?

In 1860, about 31 million people were living the U.S. by the U.S. census. Of those 31 million people, 4.5 million people were African-American living in the U.S. Only about 221,000 of 4.5 million African-American were free in the North. Blacks in the NOrth were partially free. African-American did have certain rights such as the ability to pay their own taxes and to be successful. Document B is an excerpt in a book from Charles Mackay, Life and Liberty in America, written in 1859. This book talks about the right of free blacks in the North. According to Doc B, it says,” He shall be free to live, and to thrive, if he can, and to pay taxes and perform duties.” Document B shows that black males in the North

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