I would allow my son to play football because it helps build character mentally and physically. According to John Harbaugh, the Baltimore Ravens head coach, he says that “Football is hard… tough… [it] demands discipline… teaches obedience… [and] builds character. It literally changes his physical courage.” Football changes a person to something they couldn’t imagine. It helps change them into a different and better man. In the article, “How sports can build character” the author states their opinion on …show more content…
She articulates “Whether you choose to engage in a group sport… or a solitary sport… [it] stimulates your body’s production of neurotransmitters known as endorphins”(Miller, Ashley). In agreement with the ADAA, Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “It’s impossible to eliminate, but you can learn to manage stress, and most people usually do. According to a recent ADAA online poll, some 14 percent of people make use of regular exercise to cope with stress.” Many people, especially teens, are consumed with stress and they let it conquer them. With the help of football, the sport can defeat it.
Another reason I would allow my son to play football is so he can develop teamwork skills. In the article “Benefits of Youth Sports: 5 Advantages of Playing Football,” Emily Wolff explains that “[They] will learn to develop the skills to make and keep friends, and work together.” Football can help give a kid’s confidence enough to have acceptable social