Whether a children want to be the next Tim Tebow or simply is looking for a way to stay active, football helps children to work harder. Many school districts require that student athletes maintain a certain grade point average to play on game days. This rule pushes students to stay focused in school as well as football. As a result, the young of America are growing up more well-rounded, having experiences in more than one discipline. Students who hope to pursue a football career work that much harder in hopes of getting into a top football college. Football pushed students to excel and become self disciplined. Children learn how to practice on their own and tricks to improve. Children also are more respectful of adults because of the mentality of the coach to athlete relationship. Ultimately, football pushed young people to do better in school, become more self disciplined, and more well-rounded people, all of which will help them later in life.
Football goes far beyond men in uniforms throwing a ball back and forth. To Americans, football is a lifestyle. Football has effected society tremendously in the bonds it has built between people, the support it has established for local businesses, and the positive impact it has on young people. It is clear that every season is football season because the impacts it has on society lasts a