How Drug Abuse Affects Families

Improved Essays
Victoria Reyes
Mr. Bolivar

Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is a disease is characterized by drug seeking and a use that is

Compulsive, or difficult to control despite the harmful consequences it brings

Themselves and the people around them, and their families harm (drugabusegov). The

person who is doing the drugs most of the time aren’t aware of how it harms them and

affects the people around them mostly family and friends. This affects our society

because when you’re not aware about what you’re doing than others can get

physically harmed and lead to criminal behavior and leads to jail and other facilities

they have you placed in. Hopefully by someone who reads this paper is informed with

how bad this can
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Drug abuse brings a big problem to

everyone especially that person that is close to their families. Drugs in general aren’t

something that families teach you to do when you grow up neither is it something that

they want you to be doing in their household. Once your family knows that you’re

doing drugs it becomes something that they want to be stopped. That starts leading

up to tension between family members and causing stress. “Family members might

fight a lot because of the problems drug abuse is causing.” (DrugAbuse) This can

make your own family members feel ashamed about what you’re dealing with. Day by

day the arguments are more about your problems that becomes their situation. You

might say something that is not meant to be said because you’re not in right state in

mind and it might really hurt the other person and the relationship between your family

or specific member of your family is going to be difficult to fix.

How does it affect the people/community around you? Any drugs in general

Depending on what you’re taking has effect on the people around you. When you’re

Not aware of what’s being done around you, you lose control and that can
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It affects starting with the loved ones you have around you including if you

Have any kids to friends, and to the community. No family member wants to see

Their loved one go through such a situation. That person is only abusing themselves

Emotionally and passing it down. The people who suffer from drug abuse don’t

Understand the effects emotionally as well that they cause to others. You don’t

Know what can happen if one day that loved one who does drug abuse suddenly

Disappears or you never hear from them again. Bringing stress into the family, making

Your problem their problem, having your friends see that example and having your

Community see how bad it is to deal with drugs shouldn’t be something you want

Them to go through. I’ve been through a similar experience myself but in these types

Of situations I was the child that was being affected by the person doing it. It isn’t

Worth the problems that it will cause if people don’t find help quickly and react to

Admitting that their loved one or yourself needs the help. Our community fails to do

That job. We realize that it’s going on but we find ways to make it a small problem.

If you know someone who deals with drug abuse helping them is a big way to

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