How Does Technology Bring Us Together

Improved Essays
Tech Essay Does technology bring people together or tear us apart? Today modern technology comes in many forms. In this new generation we have phones, computers, television, and now even virtual reality. With all these new technologies children, teenagers, and even adults get separated or taken away from their families or friends. I believe technology mostly tears people apart, but also have some ways to unite us. Technology is now used to separate us from each other and it disconnects from our human nature to understand the reality of family and friendship, but it sometimes can be an effective way to bring us together. Modern technology mostly tear families or friends apart because it will cause you to forget or ignore them in a long period of time. Most people use technology as a way to disregard each other. As a matter of fact people of all ages become inattentive individuals because of technology. The short story, “Marionettes Inc.” by Ray Bradbury, one quote says, “And …show more content…
The best technology, in my opinion, is the internet. My friends and I have connected through social media, video games, and viral videos. Even though we had our few share of disagreements, in the end we all make peace because of our love of new technologies such as video games and memes. Technology gives us various ways to bring us closer together. Although it does sometimes bring us together, technology tears us apart even more. Ever since the invention of technology, it has been mostly been part of our daily lives. Technology is now everywhere and getting bigger as an essential. It has separated us, disconnected us, and overtook the beyond our control. For many years technology has been a controversial topic, if will separate us human beings or become closer as better people.
We still do not know the truth or real answer if technology will soon isolate us or bring us closer than ever

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