How Does Arthritis Affect Society

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While a person could live for a long period of time, it is unavoidable to have changes. Ever since I was young my mother would take me to visit my grandmother during weekends and I enjoyed every moment of it. My grandmother used to buy me pizza and spaghetti for dinner and take me to play in a park nearby her house, I surely love my grandmother. However back then I couldn’t help but notice her painful face whenever she’d sit down or pick up a pencil, she would even take really long to walk up the stairs and sometimes she would also say that her legs hurt a lot after the walk. She used to tell me how she could walk to the shop across town with not a single problem, but now she couldn’t even go up the stairs without help. My curiosity kicked in and I couldn’t help but ask about it one day, I wanted to know what troubled my grandmother so much, but all that I got was the answer of “Don’t worry about it, is just my Arthritis”. I didn’t know much back then that the disease my grandmother had was such a major problem affects such a major amount of people. Arthritis is a very serious joint disease that is known to cause pain, swelling, stiffness, and most importantly change a person's lifestyle. This chronic disease, although not curable, can be helped through various forms of treatment that may differ depending on the person's symptoms. According to the article “Arthritis” published in Nature of Biotechnology by Nature Publishing Group “Arthritis (from the Greek word for joint) is a chronic multifactorial disease induced when the immune system attacks and begins degrading the body's joints.” As the article states this disease doesn’t discriminate and can be different ranging from person to person. The most commonly found is called osteoarthritis, the reason for this disease is the wear down of cartilage that covers the end of each bone, this cartilage cushions each bone preventing them from rubbing against each other when you move, as the arthritis gets worse the cartilage keeps wearing away causing each end of the bones to rub and cause uncomfortable pain for the person who is infected. However what is mostly shocking about this disease is as Nature Publish Group states in Nature of Biotechnology “In the US, arthritis and other rheumatic conditions affect about 43 million people, or about 15% of the population.” This is just the amount of people that are affected in the United States alone, imagine just how many people are affected worldwide. As mentioned before, Arthritis can differ on each person, In his article “The Genetics of Rheumatoid Arthritis New Insights and Implications” David T. Felson explains one major form of arthritis called Rheumatoid. As Felson states “Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common disabling systemic inflammatory disorder that causes chronic joint destruction.” Rheumatoid arthritis happens when the immune system mistakes the person’s body tissues and attacks your joints, this causes painful swelling which will lead to bone erosion and joint deformity. As Felson states in his article, second-line of drugs which include methotrexate and various treatment strategies such as treating the disease early in its development before it worsens resulted in a major reduction in the impact the …show more content…
After analyzing all of this articles and the gathered data, it can be inhered that Arthritis is not curable and although it can be treated, there is still a variety of people that continue to be affected with the pain. One can see the huge difference this disease makes on society, people who were able to walk from their house to various stores that were far away can no longer even go up a set of stairs due to this unforgiving disease. The best solution that has been found to fight this issue is the treatment, a person with arthritis must treat this disease because if it is not treated correctly, it will worsen and most likely require to go into surgery. Arthritis, which is a very serious joint disease that is known to cause pain, swelling, stiffness, and most importantly change a person's lifestyle. This chronic disease, although not curable, can be helped through various forms of treatment that may differ depending on the person's symptoms so that the person can prevent this disease from turning their life upside

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