How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson Dbq

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The Common man, serevent to the people, and the self-made man were just a few of the nicknames given to Andrew Jackson during his presidency. Long before Jackson served as president for two terms from 1829-1837, he began life in 1767 between North and South Carolina, growing up as a poor, fatherless, wild boy. Jackson had a reputation for being a tough man who would not back down from a challenge, which explains as to why he was so great at winning battles. This won the hearts of many Americans leading him to run for president, campaigning that he will listen and fulfill the will of the people. Andrew Jackson considered himself part of the Democratic Party, though how democratic was he? To be democratic means one's support of democracy, which is defined as rule by the people directly or indirectly by elected representatives. Andrew Jackson promoted democratic social/election and banking policies, but his Indian removal policies were on the other hand quite undemocratic.
Jackson strongly believed in people’s rights for involvement in government, this social/election policy was democratic because it increased the power of many people. Evidence of people’s power increasing can be found in Document
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One can say he was very democratic. His intentions were to go to any length to please the majority of the American people, though Jackson for the most part demonstrated democratic concepts, often times he would stray from them, crossing the line of democracy. Understanding Andrew Jackson and democracy is important today because the significance of the policies mentioned and others that Jackson had have impacted America in a big way. We should care about this because it set the foundation for the balancing of power within the social classes and voting

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