By giving homework to students, they become more successful. The most common idea is that homework helps the student to review the lesson taught and practice the concepts covered during class. Homework also helps students to prepare for classroom tests and enhance their skills. Students in elementary and younger that do not learn how to read will have more trouble in high school doing homework. (huffington-cite) Homework is excellent for parents to see what their children are learning in school and how well their child is understanding it. With that being said, families can grow closer and become more involved with the education. (teach-nology cite) Getting uplifting comments from the student’s teacher, can put an impact on their confidence and self-esteem. A research done by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) informs of students doing two hours of homework or less which are: a small five percent of nine-year-olds, seven percent of thirteen-year-olds, and thirteen percent of seventeen-year-olds. The NAEP also adds the students who do more than two hours of homework are typically above the average classes. In 2007, four out of five fourth graders in the Netherlands claimed to doing homework on a daily basis and the fourth graders were listed in the top ten for math average …show more content…
For ninth-eleventh graders, there has been increase from two hours fourty-nine minutes to three hours thirty minutes to complete homework. (homework ate my fam- cite) The correlation between homework and standardized test scores for elementary students is no correlation and moderate for middle school students. (huffington-cite) In middle school, after doing homework for more than an hour, the correlation dwindles. In high school, correlation starts diminishing after two hours of doing homework. On a standardized test, gaining two or three points are equal to one or two hours homework. The more popular grading system for teachers is giving the student full credit for completing the assignment, or a zero for not completing the assignment. With that being said, teachers giving out larger assignments do “spot-check” answers rather than giving less and helping the student understand the corrections they made and also knowing whether the student understands the lesson. In the seventh and eighth grades, America is considered to be one of the most homework-intensive countries in the world. (huffington-cite) An AP Biology teacher decided to cut the amount of homework in his class in half, and the AP scores went up as the result. (docum.-cite)This teacher followed Finland’s example and saw the benefits of Finland’s tactics.(cite-paper