Home From The Eastern Sea Analysis

Improved Essays
Bariso Hussein
Movie Response

“Home from the Eastern Sea”

In the movie I saw times where chinese americans were trying to assimilate. The movie highlighted how some would use famous American quotes such as Ben Franklin’s: “Early to bed and early to rise”. Also in sports. The two baseball leagues created in Yakima valley showed the uniting of the Chinese community and the integration into America. The movie also highlighted struggles faced while farming in Indian reservations due to the Chinese Exclusion Act, a law that denied Chinese farmers ownership of land. Instead the Chinese had to go lease from the Native Americans. The loopholes were short-lived because of tighter restrictions by the government. But tensions quickly spiked
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I found it absurd that the Alien land law was revised so that it also excluded Filipinos from owning land. Overall I thought that the movie did a great job on showing the hurdles Asian Americans had to overcome. Also the details on what different groups faced from the Chinese to the Filipinos. One theme I saw also that went hand in hand with Takaki's book is the cycle. Regardless of how integrated Asian Americans were, from being involved with American sports to being citizens, the American system oppressed them. And this went in its own cycle. The Chinese Americans were the first wave to go through the cycle. And then Japanese and Filipino Americans followed. This was heavily dependent on the time that the group started immigrating to the U.S. But, what I noticed in that was the feeling of intimidation by White Americans. It either had to do with money or women. It always came down to trying to ware down the immigrants by using laws like the Alien land law or the foreign miners tax. Then when the immigrants didn’t give up they, White Americans, would find other ways to put the Asian Americans at a disadvantage. The conclusion I came to was that White Americans felt intimidated and due

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