Colonized minority groups were mainly coercively acculturated, like African Americans (Healey 132). Although acculturation stage to this group was forced, the integration stage was limited because they had no rights or power, they were a property of their owner. On the other hand, Native Americans were the ones who resisted the acculturation. They wanted to keep their rculture, language, and traditions. Native Americans understanding of Americans trying to civilize them was to destroy them (Takaki 96). Even putting the Indians into reservations, which was meant by Americans as a part of assimilation, was actually segregating the Indians from Americans (Takaki 221). Then boarding schools were established, which was forcing the Indian 's kids to learn the culture, language and traditions (Unseen Tears). According to Gordon 's model, the acculturation stage was established in the belief that after the boarding school, the Native Americans will be civilized and not return to their old ways. Colonized minority groups tended not to follow the Gordon 's stages of assimilation in order, because the acculturation was coercive and integration was mostly …show more content…
Japanese and Chinese Americans contact situation with the larger society were quite similar. They were immigrant minority groups, and as I have mentioned before, racial characteristics are very important in developing relationships. As Chinese and Japanese were different from the dominant group, they were mainly discriminated because of their race. Based on Noel Hypothesis, both minority groups met three characteristics. Chinese and Japanese were very unlike from the dominant group based in ethnocentrism. They had their own culture, different language and they looked dissimilar. (Healey 340) Chinese entered the America with an idea to work here temporary. At the beginning, there was no competition on the labor market but in 1893, unemployed white workers started anti-Chinese campaigns, which included violence, and soon Chinese were driven out (Takaki 184). Japanese had a similar situation about competing over the labor jobs like Chinese, but only in California. Japanese became the target of the white working class because they saw a threat in Japanese as they saw it in Chinese. (Takaki