First, Donald Trump wants to enforce Law and Order more than it is enforced now. This adjustment will help the inner cities become more safe. At the moment, the inner cities are vulnerable to crime and have been for decades. This enforcement also ties into the terrorist attacks. Illegal immigrants are ruining our everyday lives threatening the American people. Not all illegal immigrants are a threat to our society but it does seem statics are proving that violent illegal immigrants are crossing into the United States daily. Donald Trump is one of the few politicians who want to make Law and Order stronger. Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead this great country of ours. Next, Donald Trump believes that no one should be above the law; this also includes Hillary Clinton. Hillary has had many instances where she was accused of fraud and other illegal stances. Everything that she does can't just be a “coincidence.” On the other hand, Donald Trump has said some disturbing things about women, but the things he has said should not be taken seriously as most were said many years ago. Yes, the republican candidate should not have said those hideous things, but the …show more content…
The United States needs to readjust its economy first before bringing in other immigrants. Years of ignoring the middle class and years of businesses leaving America to settle in foreign lands along with staggering numbers of illegal immigrants have depleted the middle class and basically ruined small town America. Hillary is the total opposite on this topic. She wants open borders and free healthcare for the immigrants.She also favors more trade agreements which will mean more businesses leaving America. Donald Trump has said he wants fair trade and will put America first when negotiating any deals. What Hillary wants can be good in some ways. For example; she wants to help those in need that live outside of our country. Secretary Clinton is not thinking about the citizens of America first. Her decision can only make matters worse in our country. It makes more sense with Donald Trump’s terms. He would build America up again so that we are able to take in more legal immigrants. America needs to be healthy in all ways before the government helps immigrants. Hillary just wants to bring in as many immigrants as possible because she believes that immigrants will one day be a political help to her and the democratic party. If this is true, but she is not thinking about taking care of the homeless and the citizens who are in