If we constantly decrease costs and prices and keep earnings the production of plenty will be more and more widely distributed..The depression produced by war destruction temporally checked our march toward the promised land” (Foner, 176). What Hoover is saying hear is that The New Deal does not take into consideration that if we do not do these things then we will suffer. War is the reason our economy is in ruins and we must do everything we can to get us out of it. This is huge because the way that Roosevelt looks at it is we must have the people pay taxes. Roosevelt believe that we must take these three steps: Relief, Recovery, and Reform. Relief, meaning that the government must provide federal payments for those who are unemployed, so that they have food and shelter. Recovery, is having programs designed to put citizens to work, such as the WPA (Works Progress Association) that would offer jobs to the unemployed in hope of the more people making money, the more money that would soon go back to the economy. And finally, reform, this is the few things that were set up to make our economy increase, like Wall Street, Social Security, and the FDIC that would make sure that the American people would get their money from the banks even if the banks went bankrupt. This is problematic in Hoover’s eyes …show more content…
Roosevelt thought that taxation on Americans was perfectly fine because the government needed that money to pay back its debts from war. Without taxation the government would barely get money. Hoover says, “Freedom to work for himself is changed into a slavery of work for the follies of government” (Foner, 176). This means that he believes that citizens should not have to pay taxes because if you work hard for your money, you should be able to keep it. This is important because this is a huge difference between the two with the interference of the government. Roosevelt believes that the government must intervene in this economic crisis because if they do not, then it will continue to go down. On the other hand, Hoover believes that the government is the problem. The government is the ones causing all the issues for the American people and if they were to be out of it, then it would run more smoothly. This all goes back to President Ronald Reagan, who had his own strong