The era known as the Progressive Era took place during the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft and Woodrow Wilson, all of which who were in favor of interventionist policies in regard to both foreign policy and economic policy. Presidents of the Progressive Era were friendly towards labor unions and worked to bust large corporations, as well as enacting interventionist foreign policy and establishing social policies such as Prohibition. The Progressive Era and New Deal Era are alike in that they both introduced many liberal economic and social policies. However, the Progressive Era ended much too soon when Harding entered the White
The era known as the Progressive Era took place during the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft and Woodrow Wilson, all of which who were in favor of interventionist policies in regard to both foreign policy and economic policy. Presidents of the Progressive Era were friendly towards labor unions and worked to bust large corporations, as well as enacting interventionist foreign policy and establishing social policies such as Prohibition. The Progressive Era and New Deal Era are alike in that they both introduced many liberal economic and social policies. However, the Progressive Era ended much too soon when Harding entered the White