Biology 6
Hawaiian Hawk The Hawaiian Hawk is one of the very few native birds of prey left on the Hawaiian Islands, and the only native hawk to Hawaii. It has a medium brown color on it’s back, and a snow white belly. It is about 16-18 inches tall weighing about 1 pound. It is a tertiary consumer, eating mostly mice, bugs, and smaller birds. The females are much larger then the males. It’s scientific name is Buteo Solitarius. It is currently under Near Threatened on the conservation status chart, because there are about 2500 of them in the wild. It is a K-strategist, just like nearly all birds. It lays 1-3 eggs in it’s nest which is then sat on by the female most of the time until the eggs hatch. It has a better chance of reproducing higher in the mountains, especially when they choose to nest on a native tree called the Ohi. The breeding season is from March through September, and if a pair is together for one year they will most likely stay together for the rest of their life. They will keep their baby for about 7-9 weeks before they let them go. They are very territorial and can attack anything they feel that threatens them. …show more content…
They don’t have very much competition because they aren’t very picky in their eating habits. They also aren’t in a fight for space (unless you would count us or non native species). They mainly eat fish, smaller birds, bugs, and mice. One of the kinds of birds that they used to eat is the Hawaiian Crow which is now Extinct in the wild. The reason they are near threatened is because people are shooting them illegally, hitting them with their vehicles, and we are taking up their habitat with urban