“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world,” Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman not only gave great advice and words of wisdom, but she accomplished many amazing things as well. Harriet Tubman was born as Ross, in Dorchester County Maryland in the year 1822. Also called Minty Ross when she was young, at just five years of age, she was hired to do child care. When we were five years old we probably still needed child care, we definitely were not the ones doing the child care. This just shows how quickly young Minty had to mature, and how tough she was going to be. Furthermore, she was already doing field …show more content…
Harriet Tubman escorted other slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad over a span of 11 years. After Harriet ran away in 1849 to 1860 she conducted at least 8 rescue trips to the north. The routes Harriet took that led up to the north were all extremely long, at least one hundred miles long, and they were probably all dangerous as well (Document A). Making her trips even harder, was the Fugitive Slave Act, this meant that if she was going to ensure that the slaves would be free, she had to take them all the way up to Canada. This added hundreds of miles to the already long journey they were making (Document A). Harriet must have known these routes very well and did a great job of keeping her missions extremely secretive as not much is know about them (Document B). Harriet managed to save most of her family through the Underground Railroad and at least 30 other slaves while she was helping out (Document B). Although this was definitely one of Harriet's well known achievements, I do not think this was her greatest achievement. However, in terms of risk it was extremely risky and dangerous, and she also helped quite a few