David McClelland’s employee motivation theory looks at the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power (Zan, 2011). Harrah’s gain sharing program provides employee with a challenging goals that they can achieve and attain, an affiliation for accomplishing goals through people-oriented interactions and relationship, and gives them power to impact people and results. Another aspect of the gain-sharing program at Harrah’s is the …show more content…
Winn should assist Loveman and other’s to develop a communication campaign around how the gain sharing is calculated and paid, why it is important to the organizations goals and objectives, as well as how it can impact long-term financial gains. In its current state, the gain sharing program is not tied to financial performance. Going forward, communications around how customer service correlates to the business bottom line may prove to be insightful for employees to connect their direct impact with the businesses overall success. In agreement with Ed Rylant, employees require communication, feedback, and a voice in order to be successful (Delong & Vijayaraghavan, 2003). I also feel it would be advantageous to reward those (outside of the gain sharing reward) that suggest ideas and live the Harrah’s model of providing the best customer experience through spot bonuses. This would assist in creating a culture of improvements through participation and