Primarily, cadets experience hallucinations. A hallucination is when the mind …show more content…
Panic attacks occur when a cadet becomes overwhelmed with the task of hiking and begin to doubt himself and his teammates. Essentially, the cadet gives up. During one hike, a cadet had a panic attack after tripping on a tree root. As she began to cry, she insisted she was fine. When the team stopped, the cadet completely broke down. Her hands shook, she could not breathe, and she was not able to continue for nearly half an hour. Her teammates calmed her down by urging her to drink water and by distracting her with conversation. But not all attacks are as prevalent. Some cadets feel the darkness of the night closing in on them, as a brobdingnagian chasing a midget, and may feel trapped. The panic attacks hurt the team in several ways. Because the cadets must stay together, the attacks excessively slow the group. Second, panic attacks usurp energy, both that of the victim and his or her teammate. Beginning the hike again after a prolonged stop can be tedious. But if a panic attack is not addressed, the cadet may begin to do irrational things and lower the morale of the entire group. If all the cadets become discouraged, they may halt and not begin again. They would sit and languish until their squadron commander finds them. Usually, the shame of giving up and discipline of the Captain Hoffman are enough to push anyone