Guatemala Trip

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Leaving the safety of the United States and traveling into another country seemed frightening on March 19, 2014. The trip was a trip to a foreign land, and an atmosphere full of people and culture my eyes have not once made contact with. I was extremely excited to take such a journey, yet I had never felt such a pounding fear of the unknown strangle my thoughts,such as the one the day I boarded my flight. I traveled to Chiquimula, Guatemala for a mission trip along with my father and many friends from church. I originally thought was going on a trip for me to bless others in need. Little did I know my heart had a need of its own, and God met that very need during this time in my life.
As we began to land, the clouds subsided beside the plane,
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The bus ride was a ride I will never forget, because I was able to see every aspect of the beautiful country as if looking at a museum exhibit. The smells of hot diesel gasoline filled my nose as we slowly traveled from the inner city to our hotel in the mountains. The anxious driver and twisted, old mountainous roads made for a interesting ride, but an even greater sight was the people walking these steep isolated roads. I soon realized the wealth of the country to be very low, and by looking at the protruding ribcages of the livestock, and animals I knew the people of Guatemala could not be much healthier. Views of steep, green mountains and white sunlight were only complimented by my view of piles of trash along with dry brown plants lining the roadsides. I remember as I laid my head down to sleep in a small hard bed, each day here is vital for the people the Lord has allowed our group to …show more content…
I started on the trip afraid, yet ready to impact a country as best I could. However, I see now that the Lord had a completely different approach than I, because He knew my eyes had not seen such beauty and such diversity as I as while in Guatemala. From seeing the majesty of the Lord through the natural landscapes, or feeling the mercy of the Lord through seeing the people and the simple lifestyle in which they lived, I was able to cure a need I had inside of my own heart. The Lord placed a need for more inside of me and he does so in all of his children. He constantly calls us into higher levels of His majesty and glory, and when we listen, we are renewed in a way that is indescribable. The trip the Guatemala in Spring of 2014 was a trip that changed my heart forever, and since that day I can not view my God as a God with

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