Let’s stop it now! No more testing in schools especially to evaluate social-emotional skills. The last few years, a new term “grit” has been applied in schools. There are different opinions on this. Grit is defined as perseverance or resilience to accomplish long term goals and challenges. I think it could also mean a person’s determination to achieve for themselves. The Federal Government education law has recently updated it requiring states to judge social-emotional skills in public schools. Some schools in the nation started in 2011 to observe these skills after learning that academic achievement improved by 11%. This was according to an analysis of 213 school based programs. In 2012, a book was published …show more content…
He also says for the last twenty years new ways of educating our students has “opened the window for testing every element in our schools. (Vilson) Who really has testing benefited? I don’t think it is the students. Some students are not test takers and what frustration is felt when one fails a test. I know the feeling. I also think it makes a student’s self-esteem go down real quick. The feelings with this are less self-worth, a future with no hope of doing well as an adult, and being labeled. There are other ways for looking at students and their social-emotional skills. Let’s think about having discussions in class at the beginning of the school year on social-emotional skills. This is a way for teacher and student both to get to learn and know each other. Learning early in the year helps promote these skills in a positive manner as well help the teacher evaluate the needs of each student. After all, every-one is different and has their own way of being handled. Also, students could do an assignment on their own skills and their feelings on them. Then the teacher and class as a group can come up with guidelines for the class to follow. This doesn’t need a test to be completed. This puts a responsibility on the student of their involvement developing this and their responsibility to carry it out. Also, I think it takes off from the teacher being blamed if guidelines are not followed. It falls back on the student. With some students, plans are …show more content…
It’s about no more testing for students in school, it’s about how the government and some schools and persons are in favor of it and then there are several pros and cons to this. Testing is not the answer to find out more about social-emotional skills. There is so much testing in schools now and where is the time to teach reading, math, English and the rest of important subjects. No wonder teachers get frustrated when they have such a work load! There are students out there that are not comfortable taking tests or think they can’t remember (I know this feeling). Testing can create fear, a very low self-esteem and a feeling of being stupid. Others feel embarrassed and degrading. Some students rebel, give up and don’t care. People need to stand up and argue for less testing so social-emotional skills will not be another test subject. What needs to be done is develop other measures for evaluation so that