Interpersonal Communication
Reflection Paper 2
Paula Hoffman
Perception is known as the ability to become aware of something through your senses.
The ability to see, touch, smell, hear & taste are all known as an individual’s senses. Perception, just as many other types of communication, can be taken out of context or twisted to show a certain type of opposite meaning. A situation in which perception is viewed in a different way than it is supposed to be taken is known as distorted perception. The reader can read an article and take it as they would think it was supposed to be taken or real life reality situations can cause this. For example, if a male comes into the emergency room to be treated and he sees his doctor is an African American …show more content…
Grey’s Anatomy is a popular medical drama television series that first made the air in spring of 2005. The serious is based on a group of doctors at a hospital in Seattle who start out as interns and work their way up. One of the main characters is the daughters of a famous surgeon who practiced her work there. Grey’s Anatomy is popular for its medical insight and its ability to allow the audience the follow the medical personnel in an exciting ride through their medical
journey. The show captures anything medical related, patient’s stories, patient care along with blood and surgeries. There is drama, whether it be a death, grief, or something outside of the hospital atmosphere. The series also takes the audience into the cast members personal show lives as well. This includes not only their career but their personal lives as well as their love lives. Grey’s Anatomy is one of the most popular sitcoms in America right now for not only the medical environment it entails, the drama of the cast but also the comedy that gets thrown into it.
Comedy sitcoms can easily catch the eye of many audience viewers. If a show is too serious, the viewers start to get bored which loses their attention resulting in less viewing of …show more content…
Another situation that the sitcom does not come out and reveal, there are those who promise to love people and the work they do while in all reality it is obvious they are there for a pay check. For instance, an elderly person will come in and need questions addressed. The office personal will either yell at the patient or totally while purposely begin ignoring them. As for the doctor, certain situations arise there as well that are not seen to the eye. He can treat his patients fairly well and address any question they have while fulfilling their every need, but at the same time that doctor chooses to treat his employees poorly.
He can be known to single them out while it is truly evident in his actions. He is all about loyalty to himself but lacks the loyalty to his workers.
In conclusion, distorted perception can be aroused in many different situations especially when it comes to medical personnel. Grey’s Anatomy is a wonderful show, with drama and a dash of comedy which has stolen the hearts of many. The series goes above and beyond when it comes to viewing many different medical situations, the patients, and the lives saved. It