Greek Independence Research Paper

Decent Essays
he history of Greece continues as a succession invasions and periods of domination. After the Macedonians Empire, the Greeks were generally occupied by the by the Romans. Next a transition occurred to successors to the Romans in the east, the Byzantine Empire which ended in 1453 AD. However, the Greek Islands were often occupied by other powers of the day like the Franks and Venetians. They were also periodically besieged by pirates which is greatly responsible for many prominent cities in the islands being built in high places and with narrow, winding streets that make attacks disorienting.

Ultimately, the Byzantine Empire ended in 1453 AD when the Ottoman Turks finally conquered Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul. The Ottoman rule over Greece lasted for almost four centuries. This represented a dark period for the inhabitants of the ex-Byzantine Empire, particularly Greece. Seeking their freedom, people of the Greece territory started to organize themselves and various revolts exploded against the Turks.
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Figuring prominently in the Greek War of Independence were the contributions of three relatively small Greek Islands – Hydra, Spestes and

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