Greed And Corruption In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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George Orwell's Animal farm writes his views of the Russian Revolution and humanities most important themes. Orwell writes his views of russian revolution as a farm with different types of animals ranging in intelligence, importance and loyalty. These animals want no man in their lives and so they plan and execute a revolt. They try to live a free and equal life. Though starts off well the society becomes corrupt and breaks down. With the themes orwell explored three stand out most: Greed is the spark of revolt and the collapse, Corruption setting them back to Mr. Jones days of slavery.

Orwell shows thee greed in many ways, this ultimately lead to the revolt and corruption of the farm. One example is the milk and apple situation. Milk was
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Propaganda defined as the information of a biased or misleading nature, to promote a cause or point of view. In the book the pigs gain more power and slowly with greed become corrupt leaders. Napoleon the corrupt leader tries to kill of Snowball to gain total control. Boxer makes his own motto being “Napoleon is always right” this just added to napoleon's authority. With the change of the command about the beds. The animals seek the truth and the pigs as usual give a good reason not worry about the beds by saying “a bed is somewhere to sleep” (pg. 50) This shows corruption as the pigs changed their own commandments and manipulate the animals. Napoleon's corruption goes out of control as he calls animals to be executed for bad acts. This came about when the windmill collapsed and Napoleon accused Snowball for the destruction. Some animals stepped forward and confessed for working with Snowball and was killed on the spot by the dogs.This disobeyed one of the commandments being “No Animal shall kill another animal” which the pigs added “without a cause” and so the execution was the “right” thing to do. This execution can be linked to an event during the russian revolution. ‘Bloody Sunday’ was the event when imperial guards being the dogs slaughtered unarmed demonstrators being the farm animals. Orwell writes the theme corruption as the straw that broke the camel's back as it was a

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