Loss of Natural Habitats
Normally, wet lands keep pace with the gradual sea level rise through constant vegetative growth and a healthy sediment supply from up streams and tributaries. If sediment supply into the estuary system begin to lower, or sea level rise outpaces growth, wet lands can become submerged, and for all intensive purposes, reduced to open water areas. Unfortunately, Delaware is already losing wetland due to the sea level rising. By the end of the century, many of the Delaware bays coastal marshes could disappear. A great number of marsh …show more content…
Along the shores of Delaware, the storm surge flooding threatens 12,000 people, 13,000 homes, and 46,000 acres of land in the coastal zone at an elevation below 4 feet. If global warming emissions continue to grow, it’s possible that we could see a high emissions scenario, which will be the annual economic impact of more severe hurricanes, residential real estate losses to sea level rise, and growing water and energy cost could reach 1.4 percent GDP by 2025 and 1.9 percent by 2100. A two foot rise in global sea levels is expected by the end of this century along the coast. Approximietly 53 million people lives in the coastal counties of the north …show more content…
Unfortunately, the potential loss or devaluation of these properties will affect homeowners, busineses owners, communities, and tax revenues at all levels of government. According to the University of Delaware, the current tax assessed value for all parcels exposed to seal level rise in New Castle county is 582 million and 55.5 million in Kent county. The assessed improved value of parcels exposed to sea level rise in Sussex county is 857.7 million. The effects of exposure in heavy industrial areas could be felt statewide through loss of job opportunities and revenues. Between 16 and 25 percent of the acreage of heavy industrial lands in the coastal area are within an area that could be inundated by sea level rise by 2010; the majority of these area are in New Castle County. Many associated structures like docks, piers, and lagoons could be affected, these facilities are large economic driver for the state, reduced operational capacity could impact both the econmies of the towns sourrounding these facilities and the state economy as a whole. Tourism and coastal recreation are important componets of delawares economy and quality of life. Signifigant portions of delawares resort areas, coastal historic sites, and natural resources could be inundated or significantly altered by sea level rise. Delawares beaches are a