Gilgamesh And Hospitality Analysis

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An epic is a long narrative novel that is designed in an elevated style that deals with the trials and achievement of great heroes. The virtues that are celebrated in the novel are of national, military, religion, and political as well as historical significance. For instance, Odyssey is one of the earliest epic that is still in existence in a number of ways. The epic of Odyssey opens with the subject and the statements of Muse who identifies the techniques that is associated with trials and tests of heroes. Similarly, the epic of Gilgamesh is an epic novel that is regarded in most cases as the first great work of literature. The independent stories of this epic were later used as sources of a combined epic. The epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest surviving works of literature in the world. Therefore, the epic of Odyssey and the epic of Gilgamesh evaluate the use of hospitality in a number of instances particularly by expressing their grievances in the novel. …show more content…
This theme is essential in the novel since it enables the reader to learn the characters through the theme. As a point of fact, hospitality is a major theme in the literary work that seems to be odd to modern readers. The presence of hospitality in the novel implies the civility by the degree of hospitality offered throughout the Odysseus epic. Hospitality is an act of virtue as well as an honorable characteristic in the sense that it was important to show hospitality to the friends and the family guests in the novel. Since hospitality in the novel is regarded as a divine right, the host to the guests showed them nobility and social standing that determines

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