Structure workload for maximum performance.
• Identify red-flag activities that hinder productivity. Save time using technology.
• Reduce stress-producing time crunches. Work with, rather than against deadlines.
• Identify when extra help is needed, as well as how to delegate, outsource, and even partner with suppliers in crunch periods. (Ahmad, Yusuf, Shobri, & Wahab, 2012, p. 5).
Each of these time management techniques can be associated or applied to both personal and work schedules of a leader in this case study. They would allow the leader to maintain a productive and effective role as the leader of the company and complete other personal responsibilities. Utilizing these techniques would also prevent any issues with planning and scheduling, which was an area of improvement addressed in my Time Management Action Plan.
Ahmad, L. N., Yusuf, M. N. A., Shobri, M., D., N., & Wahab, S. (2012). The relationship between time management and job performance in event management. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 65,