To put the flies to sleep, first, two Drosophila Anesthetizers were obtained. One of the two sponge caps was soaked in ether (1 mL). Then, the glass vial containing Drosophila was gently and quickly tapped on the lab bench to temporarily disorient the flies. The cap was removed and a Drosophila Anesthetizer was placed on over the vial. The vial and the Anesthetizer were flipped over and tapped against the lab bench to disorient the flies again.…
Bed bugs have similar engorgement characterizes as many other bugs when it comes to the sodium solution concentrations. When offered only water versus when a solution that contained phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), the later was what was found to be the situation where more engorgement occurred. It was expressed that mouthparts that bring about the acceptance of different concentrations of sodium chloride are receptors known as gustatory receptions. In the instances lower sodium was engorged and high sodium was rejected.…
Assignment 1 1. An environmental problem that Ohio is currently facing and has dealt with for an extended period of time is the invasion of Emerald Ash Borer. The ash tree-killing insect was brought to the United States from Asia and has been recorded in the state since 2003. Ohio has over 3.8 billion ash trees and the pest is a severe threat to their livelihood. Emerald Ash Borer originally was observed near Toledo, but has expanded to nearly all four corners of the state.…
Did research on what males and females look like. We observed the frozen flies. On the first week we used fly nap as an anesthetic for the flies and waiting for them to fall asleep. We sexed the flies and put 10 male and 10 female into a tube.…
Problem: It is known that isopods have a preference for moisture. This lab will specifically test whether or not an additive will affect a pill bug's preference.…
Analysis: There are several instances where the number of pillbugs in the light are equal to the number of pillbugs in the dark. It’s difficult to decipher a pattern in the data. The pillbugs seem very indecisive and continuously move between chambers. However, if one disregards the data where the number in light and dark are equal, there are three times where the amount in light is higher and only two times where the amount in dark is higher.…
The experiment was conducted in an enclosed environment (choice chamber), which helped to maintain the constants. The integrity of the control (water) was maintained by using an eye dropper to carefully place the water into the selected chamber to test the effects. There were no major complications during the experiment. The biggest complication was the lack of movement from the pillbugs which may have made the…
The 1940’s, the decade when the American agriculture industry was building back up from one of their lowest points. Yes, I’m speaking of the dust bowl, but little did they know the farmers and ranchers had yet another obstacle to prepare for that they probably would have never expected. The red imported fire ant was making its way into the United States. Once again, they would have to adjust to the new ways to run their industry. Originally, from the lowland areas of South America, red imported fire ants were introduced into the United States in the 1940’s.…
Can you imagine a fly that lives underwater? Yes, there is that one type of a fly that exists. Even the American writer Mark Twain had seen this “incredibly weird” critter that can come out of the water -- completely dry. Meet the Mono Lake fly. The Mono Lake fly thrives in Central California’s Mono Lake, a shallow, inland sea near Yosemite National Park.…
With our usually mild winters, pest control in Frisco, TX is something we North Texans have to think about all year round. Though some pests have their own form of cold-weather hibernation, many continue to hang around bothering us from January to December. Of those pests, some are can be handled with a fly swatter or a heavy shoe but others require professional pest control in Frisco, TX. ➛ Bed bugs are tiny, flat and notoriously hard to find.…
Pill Bugs: An experiment Introduction Pill bugs are very small and can be found anywhere. Under rocks, in between cracks, in your science class; they are everywhere! However, it is common knowledge that pill bugs do not like to be in open spaces. There are just too many dangerous possibilities, and they don’t need to take the risks. In this experiment, we tested to see if light affected the decisions of where pill bugs like to stay.…
Some fruit fly's who were living in the north have genomes of a southern fly. Which means that the heat is effecting the genetics of the…
The independent variable in this experiment was time which was 10 minute intervals. The dependent variable was the weight of the raisin before and after each interval. And the control was the water temperature each raisin was placed in, which was Hot, room temperature, and cold. Hypothesis:…
In the wild, social and ecological constraints correlate to act on both male and female flies’ reproductive decisions. However, females are biologically different from males, which result in the females having more ecological constraints, when she is making a reproductive decision. Possible constraints include: predation, resources, number of potential mates/conspecifics in a population, and among others (Gowaty and Hubbell, 2009). Nonetheless; life expectancy, injury, and survival probabilities are also key factors that influence an individuals’ reproductive decisions. Like most insects, flies depend on their senses to survive.…
Chemical and source reduction control of horse flies is challenging because they develop in natural habitats where insecticides offer short-term degree of effectiveness. Additionally, the extent of their developmental habitat is extremely wide-spread. One method of pest management is the use of traps; however their effect is limited to a small scale. Insect repellents are helpful but they are not overly effective. A better prevention option is to clothe and protect exposed parts of the body to reduce the likelihood of horse fly bites.…