The framers of the Constitution gave the President too many powers. Some of the powers that were given to Congress …show more content…
Now, the President declares war by himself. Congress now lets the President declare war whenever he feels that it is necessary. In the Vietnam war, Congress allowed the President to take measures that are necessary for dealing with the situation. This led to the President declaring war. The framers of the Constitution did not did take enough precaution to make sure that the President didn’t get more powers than he already has. (Doc B) In 1945, President Truman dropped a very powerful atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Japan. This bomb killed 80,000 people instantly as soon as it dropped. The aftereffects killed roughly 192,000 overall. The bomb contained 20,000 tons of TNT and it had two thousand times more blast power than the previous largest bomb used in history of warfare. This was an extremely powerful bomb that killed many people, and President Truman dropped the bomb without any approval from congress. (Doc F) Another example of how the framers of the Constitution let the President have too much power is when Franklin Roosevelt was court packing. This situation was when FDR tried to add more justices to the Supreme Court who were in favor of him. This is too much power for the President