In the poem on page 53, Beowulf said, “I shall shape glory with Hrunting, or death will hurry me from this Earth!” Some people may argue about our world still needing heros, whether that’s in stories, movies, or real life. However, children grow up these days trying to be like the people they see. They have role models and want to be just like them when they grow up. Beowulf was living in such a way that makes the younger generation of kids want to be like him and making people of the older generation give him respect. He was setting up an example for people all over the world, making them want to be a hero just like
In the poem on page 53, Beowulf said, “I shall shape glory with Hrunting, or death will hurry me from this Earth!” Some people may argue about our world still needing heros, whether that’s in stories, movies, or real life. However, children grow up these days trying to be like the people they see. They have role models and want to be just like them when they grow up. Beowulf was living in such a way that makes the younger generation of kids want to be like him and making people of the older generation give him respect. He was setting up an example for people all over the world, making them want to be a hero just like