Though Sir Gawain is only really faced with one particular obstacle, it presents itself as a key turning point in Sir Gawain’s life. This hurdle includes a situation where Sir Gawain is presented with a certain “game.” A game that Sir Gawain thinks is only a custom between a knight and a lord. The lord speaks to Gawain and says, “’let’s make a pact. Here’s a wager: what I win in the woods will be yours, and what you gain while I’m gone you will give to me. Young sir, let’s swap, and strike a bond, let a bargain be a bargain, for better or worse.” (lines 1105-10) Gawain replies to this proposal with a hearty, “’By God, I agree to the terms, and I find it pleasing that you favor such fun.’” (lines 1111-12) This situation spikes into a situation where one day the lord goes out on a hunt, returning with a deer, his gift to Gawain. On that same day Gawain receives a kiss from the lord’s wife, and so in turn of his reception of the deer he gives the lord a kiss. His word is kept. On a second day the lord returns with a hog for Gawain, and Gawain exchanges his gift with two kisses. His word is kept. On the third day the lord returns with a fox for Gawain, and Gawain exchanges this for three kisses, but this is not all that Sir Gawain received on this day, he also received a sash from the lord’s wife. He does not keep his word. He has gone against everything he stands for. This …show more content…
Beowulf, the hard headed, gung-ho warrior, proves himself worthy in the face of any impossibility. Success, in the face of death, presents a change in character of anyone. In the case of Beowulf, he comes out as a much wiser, more mature fighter and warrior. His success helps him to develop more improved tricks and techniques to his fighting and leading style. These techniques create followers who build a legacy out of Beowulf. Beowulf’s encounters only made him better and smarter in every way. In a complete one-hundred and eighty degree turn Sir Gawain, the noble, loyal, chivalrous knight proved he was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good but fell short on his promise to Lord Bertilak. This fault proved to be one of Sir Gawain’s only. His failure to keep his word came back to nick him in the neck, making him cognizant of mistake. In this recognition, Sir Gawain shunned himself as any honorable man would. He will spend every last day of his life making up for the mistake he made in dishonoring his word which will in turn change his perspective on every further challenge he is faced