The citizens of this nation have ignored this issue for far too long to the point that it has gotten out of control. For far too long many of the citizens of this country have lived as underdogs thanks to this stereotypes. Why a person should limited themselves to be paid less than what they deserve because of its gender or color of skin? Humans are humans regardless of gender and color. They bleed the same blood, they breathe the same air, so why should they lower themselves to be slave in a nation that still cannot knowledge them as equals. Why should a person be tied down and point at because of their religion? The human race has had this problem for years and years; religious beliefs and ideas have always brought conflict to a nation. We see this now with the problem of terrorism and the source of the problem may have raise directly from a prejudice common. Like human are such unpredictable creatures, someone somewhere have had enough and decided to raise hell against a nation where its religion was look down upon? To someone else this act is just foolish but, to someone that has had enough this act is the only way that they are going to be heard. Now terrorism is wrong in every sense of the word; however, just because you think is amusing it doesn't mean other find it the same way. It just same way with the immigrants of this country or the illegal immigrants. Not all of those people are killers, drug dealer, or
The citizens of this nation have ignored this issue for far too long to the point that it has gotten out of control. For far too long many of the citizens of this country have lived as underdogs thanks to this stereotypes. Why a person should limited themselves to be paid less than what they deserve because of its gender or color of skin? Humans are humans regardless of gender and color. They bleed the same blood, they breathe the same air, so why should they lower themselves to be slave in a nation that still cannot knowledge them as equals. Why should a person be tied down and point at because of their religion? The human race has had this problem for years and years; religious beliefs and ideas have always brought conflict to a nation. We see this now with the problem of terrorism and the source of the problem may have raise directly from a prejudice common. Like human are such unpredictable creatures, someone somewhere have had enough and decided to raise hell against a nation where its religion was look down upon? To someone else this act is just foolish but, to someone that has had enough this act is the only way that they are going to be heard. Now terrorism is wrong in every sense of the word; however, just because you think is amusing it doesn't mean other find it the same way. It just same way with the immigrants of this country or the illegal immigrants. Not all of those people are killers, drug dealer, or