This quote sets the tone of law and ethics in the medical field.Some aspects of our minds we control ; that we are aware of. However, some aspects of it are ticking in normality and we don’t even have to think about them, these are mechanisms of the medulla oblongata, the control center of basic motor functions. All our decisions of right and wrong, our conscious decisions are our ethics, in the medical field we make a promise to ourselves and others to do what's right.
Most medical claims do not have any merit behind them, professionals are usually victims of a scheme. It's difficult to get a lawyer to take a case. However,this first case was …show more content…
Are medical professionals that comparable to a higher power? As a medical assistant, we should treat everyone in our care, whether it’s another doctor or someone on death row, that is the responsibility we adopt.
This third case, the medical assistant is at fault ethically with no debate. Patients were being referred to home health care agencies, by a medical assistant. Medicare was then billed for improper benefits. The medical assistant received 500 dollars per patient, and for that amount of money, had to have known he was in the wrong.
“In total, Ross’s kickback arrangements with Patient Choice, All American and VNS resulted in $472,623 in fraudulent billing to Medicare.”(division, 2011).
Money is a powerful force in anyone’s life, and medical assisting and nursing aren’t careers to get into for the money, rather to make a