One reason why youth tackle football should be banned is because the younger they start the more they get tackled.For example,children that have concussions need to be recognized and helped immediately if they get tackled too hard.When kids can get tackled a lot,they suffer serious damage on their bodies. …show more content…
My final reason why youth tackle football should be banned is because kids don’t have enough equipment on to keep them safe.For instance,kids get tackled more than 300 times in a season which could lead to serious brain damage that couldn’t be good.For example,families don’t have enough to buy the amount of equipment for their kid to play youth tackle football.Although it can be bad for the kids,because the less amount of equipment the more they get hurt even more than with the right amount of equipment on.
Youth tackle football should be banned because the younger they start the more they get tackled,some kids get tackled in the wrong spots,and kids don’t have enough equipment on to keep them safe.Parents should demand to stop youth tackle football and have it be youth touch