Essay On Why It Is Important To Learn And Remember Names

Improved Essays
Good Manners: Learning and Remembering Names

We will meet thousands, if not millions of people in our lifetime. Of those people, we will form acquaintances, business partnerships, trade arraignments, friends, and family from all of those people. The one thing that is unique to a person is their own name. A name is a powerful thing. A name can make an individual unique.

Why is it Important to Learn and Remember Names?
Names give a person an identity. There is a distinction between that guy that lives down the lane, and John Baker, the man who lives down the lane. Names also help obtain beneficial social interaction. Anyone who wants to climb the social ladder or gain that promotion at work, needs to be good with names. You need to show that you have a personal interest in the people that you interact with.

When Is This Appropriate?
Remembering and learning names is an ongoing process that is always appropriate. You
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We will meet someone and instantly remember their face, their hobbies, occupation, and even nicknames. However, for some of us, names are harder to remember. This is completely normal and happens to the majority of people. There are many ways to remain courteous and teach your children the importance of names.
• When you are in a social environment be an active listener. You should encourage your children to practice this skill when they are amongst a large crowd at school. Listeners will pick up on more than others.
• There are going to be times when you have just met someone and you have already forgotten their name. When teaching children about this, explain that adults forget too. In order to avoid forgetting names, repeat the person’s name a few times during the conversation. This is a memory game that we use with our children to help them remember the names of household objects. The same game can be played to help you remember someone’s

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