Essay On Ponce De Leon

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Ponce de Leon explored many areas, including the Bahamas and Bimini both for gold and the mythical fountain,but never found either. In late March of 1513 he came to Florida’s east coast to where we know as St. Augustine and claimed it for Spain. Since he discovered the land he named it La Florida or place of flowers for it's lavish landscape and beautiful beaches. He continued sailing down the coast with rough currents to an area he named Cape of Canaveral that means Cape of Currents. Ponce de Leon continued down the coast to an island that he named Dry Tortugas for no freshwater and many, many turtles and the word turtle in Spanish is tortugas. He then started to sail down the west coast and landed at Charlotte Harbor. His crew and himself …show more content…
They sailed to Hispaniola or the Dominican Republic. Ponce de Leon became military commander at this position and was appointed deputy governor. In 1506, Ponce de Leon discovered a nearby island named Borinqien. While there, he found large deposits of gold. Soon after his discovery, he left the island. He returned in 1508 on orders from the king of Spain to explore and colonize the island. He renamed the island Puerto Rico. He was the island’s governor for two years until the king replaced him with Columbus’ son. Ponce de Leon was born in a village named Santervas de Campos located in northern Valladolid in 1475. Ponce de Leon is also descended from the kings of Vasconia. His parents are unknowned he has been said that he comes from a nobly family that are distinguished and influential. Two of his relatives are Rodrigo Ponce de Leon and Marquis of Cadiz a celebrated figure in the Moorish war. As a young man a contemporary chronicler, Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes, states that Ponce de Leon became an experienced soldier fighting in the Spanish campaigns that fought the Moors and defeated in Granada and re-conquest of Spain in 1492.He also served as a squire to Pedro Nunez de Guzman which was another one of his notable

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