Essay On Operation Northwoods

Improved Essays
People go through their lives every single day without batting an eye at what is happening behind the scenes. Every government has done something wrong, something atrocious, or even something just plain ridiculous. When people think of a conspiracy they probably go straight for something involving the Nazis or Hitler, but did you know there are conspiracies involving the very United States of America? There are plenty of truths in those conspiracies as well and many of them are more horrifying than any nightmare you could ever have in your life and are like something you would find in a modern horror film, but they are all too real. There have been records of the government committing heinous crimes without even the media knowing, which …show more content…
This project would be called Operation Northwoods. This plan revolved around the US government committing acts of terrorism against their own citizens. They would then blame it on the Cubans so they could sway the US citizens into a war with Cuba. The many plans included, innocents being shot dead on the street, boats of refugees from Cuba being sunk on the high seas, a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere; people being framed for bombings they did not commit, and planes being hijacked. Luckily, President Kennedy rejected the idea and the operation never got off the drawing board.
Lastly, there was the famous Operation Mockingbird. Mockingbird was an idea brought about during the 1940s and its purpose was to buy out the media, so America could gain an advantage in the cold war. This was an idea brought about by CIA director Richard Holmes and was planned to basically make every single news related person, paper, or station into a propagandist and spy. They successfully did this and some of the Journalists,stations, and newspapers included ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, and Copley News

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