Essay On Government Surveillance

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Surveillance has presented numerous challenges to the right of privacy. There is a need to develop a high technology surveillance system that will come with great benefits without intrusion. With new advances in technology each day, it is becoming easier to communicate with each other. Yet with all these new forms of communication there have been unpleasant side effects, since this new advanced technology is not only for harmless interactions between one another it is also used to plot against governments and countries. Governments have found themselves under attack a countless number of times and have had no other choice but to resort to monitoring their citizen’s online and phone activities. Surveillance can capture every aspect of peoples’ …show more content…
There are quite a few government and intelligence agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and also state and local law enforcement agencies. With modern day technology becoming so advanced, agencies must find new ways to stay ahead and on top of the security for the nation. The National Security Agency’s mass surveillance has expanded in the years since September 11, 2001. Many people happen to be against government monitoring only because they are unaware of how data is retrieved, analyzed, and stored by the government networks. The process is more than just collecting information from phone calls, emails, and other online communications. When an individual presents information to the internet, it is no longer private because the individual has sent it out into a wide range database where anyone is able to access it. For instance, when sharing pictures on social media sites such as Facebook, to friends it is not only limited to the profile friends of the individual but many people have access to the photos due to them being stored within the Facebook database. If any ordinary individual has access to such information, imagine what the government has access to. Government networks have the power to retrieve data from major networks such as Microsoft, Google, Yahoo,

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