Essay On Electoral College

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When discussing just and equitable outcomes in democracies, discussions arise over the election protocol, and the power each individual holds in each. In the United States, microlevel elections are held within certain districts, many of which have been drawn asymmetrically in favor of the party in power. Whereas in the macro level election, that being the presidential election, the outcome is not decided based upon the votes of the majority, rather by the electoral votes won by each candidate. Despite the differences in the micro and macro level elections, citizens have begun to take greater notice in the laws that govern elections and the voting process, as the belief that the voice of the individual is overshadowed by the power of policy makers is permeating society. …show more content…
The Electoral College is a collection of electors granted to each state based on state population. Although the putative belief is the electors are legally obligated to represent the majority when they cast their vote, there is no such obligation forcing them to do so. Despite often respecting the votes casts by the citizens of their state, the electors are capable of casting their vote for whomever they deem more capable a candidate. This may be the greatest example of the individuality of voters in the United States being dismissed by lawmakers, and the laws themselves. The Electoral College, by all means, is an anomaly in the United States democratization process, as it puts the election process in the hands of a select minority, rather than the whole of the populous (Chang 205). The premise of the Constitution is the equality of all peoples governed by it, yet the Presidential voting process puts more power in the hands of select individuals, rather than abide by the resolutions of the plurality of the

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