Open Border System In America

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The act of coming to live in a foreign country, whether it be legally or illegally. Immigration has been a topic widely spoken of in the United States for decades, centuries even. The truth of the matter is that the United States of America would not be what it is today if it were not for immigrants coming to this land. The one and only Christopher Columbus who discovered the Americas came by ship from Spain in 1492 searching for a quicker route to India for trade. The discovery of this piece of land created the wave of immigration to the land for years to come. The pilgrims who came after came in search of religious freedom, the African slaves were brought here against their own free will, and many other cultures and races came in search …show more content…
The idea of having people come into “their” country freely as they please is not something they want, but it could possibly work to better our economy and reduce the amount of money spent on trying to better our walls and immigration services. The money then saved from wall repairs and such, could be used to better our education system or city roads or small business loans. Many specialists report our immigration system as being “broke.” When something is broken you don’t continue with the same tactics, you change them up. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the United States pretty much had an open border system, accepting anyone and everyone who arrived. This was true, except for a few exceptions like the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, which denied any Chinese laborer access to the United States, and a health examination. Also, capital and goods can cross borders freely, so why can labor cross as freely? The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) created open borders for businesses in Mexico, Canada, and The United States, but closed borders for the people who were put out of jobs due to this agreement. Lastly, an immigrant is less likely to be a criminal than a native born citizen. As the amount of immigrants in the United States increase, the amount of crime rates in the United States decreased. The idea of having open borders could incredibly improve our economy by reducing the …show more content…
We are the home of the brave and the land of the free, we are a country which was founded by immigrants and will continue to be enriched by immigrants. Open borders would provide a lower crime rate for the country. Open borders would improve the economy by providing those funds used for immigration services and buildings of walls, to different areas like city roads, public education, and small business. Amnesty would provide the law abiding, hard working, immigrants an opportunity to improve their life and living conditions drastically. By providing these citizens with amnesty, they could go to school, get better jobs, and could possibly lead to minority groups being more involved in government elections. Immigration is what founded this country and immigration is what will continue to shape this great country we live

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