In Eric Schlosser’s, Fast Food Nation, Schlosser says, “Roughly thirty-five million pounds of ground beef produced at the Columbus plant -- enough meat to provide every single American with a tainted fast food hamburger -- was voluntarily recalled by Hudson Foods in August of 1997” (Schlosser 194). Even though this occurred about nineteen years ago, it is still a problem today. In the news, Chipotle has also been traced with E Coli and the meat has been recalled. It is scary thinking that even after all these years, there can still be traces of E Coli in fast food restaurants today. A way to stop E Coli being in fast food meats is by actually having the meat being inspected by the FDA at all times. “Who watches the watchers?” (Plato). Who watches the FDA do their work on inspecting meat? There should be people that solely focus their jobs on watching over the
In Eric Schlosser’s, Fast Food Nation, Schlosser says, “Roughly thirty-five million pounds of ground beef produced at the Columbus plant -- enough meat to provide every single American with a tainted fast food hamburger -- was voluntarily recalled by Hudson Foods in August of 1997” (Schlosser 194). Even though this occurred about nineteen years ago, it is still a problem today. In the news, Chipotle has also been traced with E Coli and the meat has been recalled. It is scary thinking that even after all these years, there can still be traces of E Coli in fast food restaurants today. A way to stop E Coli being in fast food meats is by actually having the meat being inspected by the FDA at all times. “Who watches the watchers?” (Plato). Who watches the FDA do their work on inspecting meat? There should be people that solely focus their jobs on watching over the