Atom is the smallest and the main component of the universe. It is the building block of universe. Atom cannot be created neither be destroyed. Epicurus believed that everything that exists in the universe is made up of atoms and its compounds. He didn’t believe in gods or devils, neither in heaven and hell. He was an atheist that did not believe in supernatural beings. He thought of the soul and biblical characters as our imagination. He believed that these things only obstruct us on our path to happiness. The thought of heaven and hell only creates fear and disturbs our minds. That will lead to a life of unhappiness. So, according to Epicurus, religion only instills fear and pain obstructing them of happiness.
In broad sense, Epicurus was a hedonist. He believed that the pleasure is the highest good. But Epicurean hedonism was a little different than just vulgar hedonism. While vulgar hedonism sought excess of pleasure like fine wine, sex, and luxury whereas Epicurean hedonism is about having pleasure in the present while planning for the future. For instance, getting drunk will give pleasure tonight but will feel awful tomorrow and also in the long run. However, doing exercise will cause pain now but is a lot better in the long run. That is Epicurean happiness, to live a satisfied …show more content…
So, that is why we pursue expensive things out of our reach in search of happiness. But instead we end up spending too much it only causes problems leading to unhappiness. According to Epicurus, there are only few things required to be happy. Firstly, we need friends. We are social animals and we need companionship. Lonely life can never lead to happiness and it is among friends through good times and bad times if they are always together, they can find happiness. Second thing is freedom. Freedom is very important aspect of happiness. People need freedom to enjoy and relax. They cannot find happiness if they are restricted by work, chores or some other things. They need freedom to pursue