First of all, enforcing school uniforms nation wide should occur because academics increase and bullying decreases. A study from Walden University shows that uniforms “not only improved academic outcomes, but also… a contributing factor to less bullying and a higher sense of safety in the overall school climate.” Student were less distracted from what clothes to wear, and more on school. More students will be on time to school in the future, and they will miss out on less information. They will learn more and in addition, students cannot be bullied based on what they wear since they are all wearing the same thing. This leads to more kids earning better grades and achieving more in life. Undoubtedly, …show more content…
David L. Brunsma, PhD, professor at Virginia Polytechnic, co-authored a study and found that uniforms had “no effects of uniforms on absenteeism and behavioral problems (fights, suspensions, etc.) or substance use on campus.” Challenging this claim is simple because the study was done in 1998. A lot can happen in a span of 20 years. Students in this generation may need the uniforms to do better in school. It’s clearly worked for the Long Beach School District and many more districts around America. Unquestionably, enforcing school uniforms nationwide should occur because academics improve and crime rates