What are stem cells?
Stem cells are cells that have the potential of become any cell in the body. There are two types of stem cells used, Adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells.1 An adult stem cell is an undifferentiated found in certain tissues in our body such as, the brain, bone marrow, blood, blood vessels, skin and liver. Adult stem cells are used to repair tissue and to replace dying of cells. For example in the bone marrow there are stem cells that create new blood cells.2 Adult stem cells can be manipulated to become any cell but it has some restrictions. 3 Embryonic stem cells are from embryos that developed in eggs, which have been fertilized through virto fertilization (fertilizing the egg in a Petri dish). These …show more content…
Scientist places the cells in a Petri dish with a culture medium and on top a feeder layer is placed. The feeder layer provides nutrients to the cell. Then the cells go through the process of subculturing. 4 Cell culturing is mainly done for embryonic stem cells as the divide easier than adult stem cells as adult stem cells cannot be multiplied in cell cultures. Also embryonic stem cells are pluripotent while adult stem cells are multipotent. 5 Since the embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated, they have the possibility to differentiate into any cell in the body. 6 In the cell cultures the embryonic stem cells are grown under certain conditions, which allows it to stay undifferentiated. When the stem cells are placed in other cultures that contain different bases and alter the chemical composition, allows the cell to differentiate. Different bases and chemical composition can turn the stem cells into specific cells. This could help cure many diseases such as, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, lung disease and etc. 7 The only problem with using embryonic stem cells is that when implanted, the body may reject it. While adult stem cells have a lower chance of being rejected because it is from the