This personal narrative of was eye opening on so many different levels. Tillman allowed the readers to receive an honest, truthful portrayal of her experience with bulimia. The Secret Life of Thinness is evidence of how “the personal is political”. This concept suggests that emotions are the result of larger systems and social issues. Her emotions are strategically placed throughout her writing to evoke a response from people suffering from similar issues. Additionally, language is inherently political; choosing language to critically reflect is a political and moral process, which therefore must be taken seriously (Spry, 2011, p. 107). Tillman is fully exposed as she is writing this paper and open to the pain that might come with using her experience to challenge societal issues surrounding the discussion of bulimia. While it is clear her emotions are genuine, they don’t just occur. Her emotions are specifically the consequence of stigmas that have been placed around
This personal narrative of was eye opening on so many different levels. Tillman allowed the readers to receive an honest, truthful portrayal of her experience with bulimia. The Secret Life of Thinness is evidence of how “the personal is political”. This concept suggests that emotions are the result of larger systems and social issues. Her emotions are strategically placed throughout her writing to evoke a response from people suffering from similar issues. Additionally, language is inherently political; choosing language to critically reflect is a political and moral process, which therefore must be taken seriously (Spry, 2011, p. 107). Tillman is fully exposed as she is writing this paper and open to the pain that might come with using her experience to challenge societal issues surrounding the discussion of bulimia. While it is clear her emotions are genuine, they don’t just occur. Her emotions are specifically the consequence of stigmas that have been placed around